You can choose to receive a tradional healing by the 4elements which I have learned throught this Colombian Shaman Juan Carlos España.
Healing with crystals: for depressions or relationale issues or break-ups
Healing with Earth: Burn-out of run-down
Healing with fire and chacapa: clearing energy or entities
Healing with fire and maraca: fybrmyalgy, CVS, burn-out,....
Healing with fire: cord-cutting to remove energetic connections
Gevolgde opleidingen:
Personal training by Juan Carlos Espana Mueses from Colombia
Advanced Shamanic skills, Alberto Villoldo, The Four Winds
Jaartraining Energy Medicine Training, Alberto Villoldo, The Four Winds
Opleiding Peggy Dylan
Opleiding Roel Crabbe
Jaartraining Interakt Centrum voor meergenerationele psychotraumatologie gebaseerdop de werkwijze van dr. Franz Ruppert
Jaartraining Familie en organisatie opstelling Indra Torsten Preiss
Jaartraining Lichamelijk coachen Arend Van Rietschoten
Creatieve therapie en creatief Agogisch Coachen, VSPW Gent
Master Visualisatie coach Openmind
Trauma essentials en jaartraining trauma pro, Openmind centrum