Rebirthing 1 day workshop

The Breath that becomes a Circle

an opportunity to get in touch with Rebirthing

conduced by Claudia Mukta Parrini



What is Rebirthing?

is a breathing technique that allows to easily integrate the awareness of ourselves through the knowledge of our birth trauma. It was discovered and perfectioned in 1973 by Leonard Orr, an American psycotherapist and researcher of oriental disciplines which helped to improve awareness.
Through Rebirthing we can heal some of our conscious and unconscious trauma which we have saved in our cells at an emotional level during the birth scenario which includes 4 moments: our conception, the pregnancy, the delivery, the year following the birth

During our life, we all conform and identify ourselves (both consciously and not) with the believes, fears and opinions of our parents using and repeating their behaviours and schemes.
The child, both while growing in his mother's womb, and in the years of his life, elaborates thoughts, judgements and takes decisions which will influence his future.
The negative experiences which he goes through during the birth scenario will become negative feelings and thoughts that will inhibit his breath capability and, consequently, his life.
Every thought leads to a result.

Rebirthing is a gentle and easy method to dissolve toxines from our body, our mind and our energetic field.

But how?

- By a connected breath without pauses between inhale and exhale. In this way we emulate the fetus's breathing.
- Using creative thoughts, through affirmations which help us to integrate the new reached awareness, related to our behavioural and thought schemes (conditioning) in our ordinary life.

In this way, we can, through gentleness and clearness, become in touch with our birth scenery, that is the ensemble of all the events that we recorded at an emotional and unconscious level in our cells, during the phases of our conception, pregnancy and delivery.
This way of breathing and of approaching awareness, is meant to dissolve all the physical and emotional toxins accumulated in our cells during the years. In fact, people who practice Rebirthing, get a nice sensation of renovation and inner strength, as if they are born to a new life.
This method is particularly useful to those who went through surgical, or long-term pharmaceutical treatment, for those who suffer from asthma, psoriasis, insomnia, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, psychosomatic disorders and for pregnant women.
It is a great occasion to deepen ourselves and to better understand people around us, because we all passed by a traumatic birth.
While we start changing ourselves, the world starts changing around us as well.



Claudia Mukta Parrini is born in Italy in the 1971 and considers herself a citizen of the world. 

Soul in a human body experience, seeker of truth, Tai Chi Chuan Yang style teacher (since 2004), Rebirther (since 2006), Vision Quester (since 2009), Sannyasin (Osho disciple since 2009), Joint Release practitioner (since 2011), crafter, artist, story teller, traveller, singer, dancer, friend, Sister, lover of Nature.

Since 1995 she focuses her attention on: introspection, transformation of emotional blocks, research of tools that allows her to grow as a human that expresses her own potential. Her dedication goes to finding ways to support others to develop themselves.

Since 2005 she shares her experience with the circular connected and continuous breathing offering individual sessions and since 2008 workshops and a one year course.

Her experience is enriched by shamanic encounters in Guatemala, Siberia, Brazil and since 2002 the annual European Rainbow Gathering. Since 2015 she is working with Fuego Sagrado of Itzachilatlan, guided by Satiago Andrade Leon, Medicine man from Ecuador. She became Chanupa carrier in August 2018 and she is developing the knowledge to lead from september 2019 sweatlodges.

Her knowledge has been empowered by several experiences with medicinal plants, the participations in Native American Indians ceremonies, Family Constellations groups, Osho active meditations and Primal (deconditioning of the childhood), Reiki initiations (1st&2nd level), Trance Dance, Course of macrobiotica (vegetarian since 1996 with an experience of 4 years as veganist), Transcendental Meditation, 10 days Vipassana Meditation, Circle of Women, music and devotional chanting (mantra and medicine songs).

Her way to approach people is with respect of the individual time of growing, to awaken the self healer in everyone.
She knows that she is just a tool, everyone is the only responsable to become the Master of his/her own life.

Date:  from 11 am to 5 pm
It is offered for minimum 6 to max 10 persones
Energy change 70 euro

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